Financial and Tax Incentives in Green Buildings: A Comparative View of Türkiye and the World
Energy-efficient Building Incentives, Tax Incentives Programs, Turkish Tax Relief, Tax Comparison, Environmental FriendlyAbstract
As global concerns about climate change and environmental sustainability intensify, the green building construction sector has emerged as a key focus for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and resource energy consumption. On the other hand, tax incentives have proven to be effective tools in promoting green building practices, while encouraging developers, investors, and property owners to adopt sustainable construction techniques incorporating with energy-efficient technologies. To this aim, this paper reviews tax incentives for green buildings in Türkiye and compares with international examples, highlighting best practices and innovative policies. This study also explores the scope and implementation of tax incentives programs, including property tax reductions, investment tax credits, accelerated depreciation schemes, and VAT exemptions, which aim to lower the financial barriers for green building adoption.
The findings of this paper suggest that integrating well-structured tax incentives with broader sustainability goals can significantly accelerate the transition to eco-friendly construction practices.
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