The Screed Design with Pumice and Perlite Components in Zero Energy Building Targets
Pumice, Expanded perlite, Screed, Flooring, Zero energyAbstract
In this study, it is aimed to design a screed type using pumice-stone and expanded-perlite materials towards zero energy building goals. For this purpose, a screed type produced with river sand was produced for screed, which will represent the traditional screed type used today and will represent your control sample in our study. Then, 8 different mixtures containing pumice stone and expanded perlite materials were produced. After a 28-day curing process, nine different screed samples underwent engineering property tests: ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV), compressive strength, and thermal conductivity. The control series showed the highest UPV value at 3797.2 m/s, followed closely by pumice BR-3 at 3713.1 m/s. BR-3 also outperformed the control series in compressive strength (12.76 N/mm2), while perlite series BR-7 (1.68 N/mm2) and BR-8 (0.96 N/mm2) had the lowest values. In thermal conductivity, the control sample had the highest value (0.441 W/m.K), with pumice BR-4 (0.436 W/m.K) and BR-2 (0.304 W/m.K) close behind, and perlite series BR-7 (0.191 W/m.K) and BR-8 (0.105 W/m.K) having the lowest values. Using pumice and expanded perlite as screed materials offers improved sound and thermal conductivity results compared to traditional screed. However, expanded perlite leads to a significant decrease in compressive strength. Incorporating these alternatives has the potential to reduce building weight and enhance heat and sound insulation properties.
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