Investigation of The Effect of Lamination Thickness on Temperature and Efficiency in Transformer
Research Article
Transformer, energy efficiency, thermal analysis, transformer lossesAbstract
By 2050, all buildings in Europe are targeted to be zero-energy buildings. The use of fossil fuels in zero-energy buildings will be reduced as much as possible. Thus, the mainly used energy in the building sector will be electrical energy. It is appropriate to use dry-type transformers that do not have the risk of fire and explosion in zero-energy buildings. This eliminates the losses that will occur during transmission and enables a more efficient system to be used. In this study, transformer losses and their effects on efficiency and temperature change were investigated. For this, a 100 kVA dry-type transformer was simulated for two different material thicknesses used in the core, and core losses and temperatures were compared. As a result of the simulations, a difference of 20.5% in core loss and 6.8% in temperature was obtained between the two laminations.
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